Dear all,

Yesterday’s gospel reading of the parable of the sower (Luke 8:5 – 15) affords to us an understanding of what Christ meant when he told this parable to the crowds. This parable has little to do with farming but everything to do with living a life in Christ and being in effect fishers of men.

Christ tells us we need to hear, understand and more importantly, do his will. If you hear without action it is if you have not heard at all. Without the doing there is no point in the listening. Without listening there can be no following and without following one that cannot be a fisher of men.

Christ further tells us something which is generally overlooked in our striving to be a fisher of men. He tells us to hold the Word “fast in an honest and good heart, and bring forth fruit with patience”. This word “patience” is pivotal. Without patience nothing is possible. If we lose hope, become frustrated or consider our task too onerous then we go from being of the good soil to either soil full of rocks, arid or otherwise full of thorns. In short our good intentions evaporate and are no longer joined to the side of Christ.

In this way we neither see or understand what is required to be a soldier of Christ. Patience is the water that is poured upon the seed of the Word thus allowing it, in an honest and good heart, to bring forth fruit a hundredfold. Some may say however their hearts are barren and arid and hence they stand forsaken from Christ.

Fear not, and here’s the good news! It is never too late to till out the rocks in your heart and make it into good soil. All it requires is will to so do. Will of course requires determination. Determination requires constancy – and constancy and patience go hand in hand. This brings us neatly back to the need to be patient – especially with ourselves. As the letter of James puts it: “be patient, therefore, brethren until the coming of the Lord. Behold, the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient over it until it receives the early and the late rain.” (5:7). Let us therefore not judge ourselves too harshly but rather hope in the mercy of Christ whilst tending to the spiritual health of our heart.

Programme for this week

Wednesday 18th October
7:30 AM to 9:30 AM – Matins and Divine Liturgy
6 PM to 7 PM – Catechism and Renewal Class
7 PM to 8 PM – Adult Bible Study

Friday 20th October
7:30 AM to 9:30 AM – Matins and Divine Liturgy

Saturday 21st October
9 AM to 10:15 AM – Divine Liturgy in English
2 PM to 3 PM – Youth Group

Sunday 22nd October
8 AM to 11 AM – Matins and Divine Liturgy

Do not forget that our youth group will have their monthly meeting this Saturday, 21 October at 2 PM. Mothers if you can bring a plate to share that would be great.

Raffle tickets

Our raffle is proceeding at a regular rate. However, we still have plenty of tickets left. Please consider purchasing a book (10 tickets of $10 each or $100 per book). After all the money that is raised will be spent on the church – so ultimately all you are doing is given to yourselves (and who knows you may win a wonderful holiday!)

Upcoming luncheon

Our luncheon tickets are now on sale for the feast day of Patronal Saint Nektarios on Sunday, 12 November. Please support your Church. Tickets are $25 for adults, $10 for children between 15 to 16 years of age and children under six no charge.

Farewell to Fr. Themi

We bid farewell to Father Themi and his associate Louis. We are able to raise from Perth alone some $40,000 for the good Fr to continue his missionary work. May God give him the strength to continue with his vast mission. We should give consideration to provide ongoing support of his mission in Sierra Leone.

Thought for the week

The more noble a virtue is the harder it is to attain it. Climbing the ladder of Divine ascent requires far more exertion than travelling down a slippery slide. Even so if we continue our exertions with patience we can overcome the hardest of obstacles. True, we may not be able to see the efforts of our labour immediately but that does not mean we have not being transformed into something new and better and worthy to be addressed by Christ with well done good and faithful servant at our earthly journey’s end.

Till next time.

In Christ.

Father John Athanasiou – 0411 061 554

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