Patriarchate and Archdiocese Websites

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople

Liturgical Texts

English Translations of Liturgical Texts
The Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom, Book of Prayers, Holy Baptism Service, Funeral Service, and Marriage Service.

AGES Digital Chant Stand
Provides the Greek and English texts of liturgies, matins, vespers, and other services by date. There is also an app available for Apple devices.

Educational Resources

About the Faith
A plethora of resources from the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.

Orthodox Wiki

Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Here you can find free copies of various writings of the Church Fathers.


Voice of Orthodoxy
A quarterly publication of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia.

Monthly bilingual newspaper.

An Orthodox Christian periodical for young people.

The official peer reviewed journal of St Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Theological College, Sydney.

Books, Icons, and Other Supplies

Evangelismos Bookstore

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia Book Centre

Greek Orthodox Christian Society Bookstore

Pantanassa Monastery Online Store

Audio and Video Resources

Live Internet Broadcasts of Church Services

Orthodox Christian Network

Ancient Faith Radio

Trisagion Films
Many short videos about Saints, traditions, icons, and more.

Other Useful Links

Greek Orthodox Calendar
Includes feast days and fasting information.