There is no such thing as bad fortune – if it is for our benefit then it is innately good; if it is not to our benefit then it works within us to engender patience and humility. Life is not about what it throws at us but what we do with what is thrown at us.

Why is it easier to say that it is easier to love all of humankind than to love just one “neighbour”, for after all, isn’t all humanity made up of individual “neighbours?”

Human dignity cannot be served under the tyranny of poverty. St John Chrysostom in his treatise on “Wealth and Poverty ” says this: ” By this we are taught that when we do not show mercy, we will be punished just like those who steal. For our money is the Lord’s, however we may have gathered it. If we provide for those in need, we shall obtain great plenty. This is why God allowed you to have more: not for you to waste on prostitutes, drink, fancy food, expensive clothes, and all the other kinds of indulgence, but for you to distribute to those in need.” Now there is a sobering thought.