Spiritual light is the only enduring reality. Spiritual darkness is the absence of that light and if the light is absent then, no matter how full your life may be with things of this world, how deep is that darkness.

Baptism is a fresh start. A departure from the old. It promises the adventure of the new and provided we walk in the steps of Christ we are heirs to the promise. So, do not give up on yourself – we are all worthy no matter how many times we stumble and fall, provided that we have the will to pick ourselves up and try, and try, and try, and try again and again.

Life constantly shuffles the cards and deals us a hand on a daily basis. On occasion, we win but generally our cards give nothing but misery, sorrow and pain. For all that, a Christian is obliged to play the hand as best he can. He can do no more. The rest is up to the grace and mercy of God.

The ability to name is a sign of authority. In Genesis 2:19 – 20, man, by the grace of God, exercises dominion over creation by giving everything a name. All of us are known by a name, which name speaks for itself (nomen est omen). So when the Lord says: “fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine” (Isaiah 43:1) how can we ever consider ourselves as belonging to anyone else?